Endless Online : Commandlist
0.4.X command-architecture; required D(debug level) and A(admin level)

0.4.X ::  EOS AID 

EOS| [A]DMIN basic commands:
A1 : $hide , $h - hide yourself on/off
A1 : $loc, $locate character - display map,channel and coords of player 
A1 : $spy, $s character - casual warp to map of player, in a corner
A1 : $stealth - do not show yourself on online player list.
A1 : $unfreeze , $u character - unfreeze the player
A1 : $warp, $w, $y map x y - warps to a map id , or map id x,y

A2 : $kick , $k character - kicks off the player
A2 : $skick , $sk character - silently kick off the player
A2 : $mute , $m character - mute the player
A2 : $smute , $sm character - silently mute the player
A2 : $ban , $b character - ban the player for 20m
A2 : $jail, $j character - jails the player
A2 : $free , $f character - frees player from jail
A2 : $globalclear , $gclear lines - globalchat clear x lines or all
A2 : $setfilter chatlevel - off,on,heavy,strict,ultra - overwrites client filter
A2 : $warpmeto, $wm2 character - warps you to player

A3 : $ban , $b character time - ban the player for 20m(empty) or 1h,2h,3h <
A3 : $captcha character - put player in captcha lock
A3 : $freeze character - freeze the player from moving
A3 : $globalmute , $gmute - globalchat on/off
A3 : $play , $p songid - play a song id like 1,2,3,4 etc to all in range

A4 : $ban , $b character forever, ip+hd ban untill next reboot
A4 : $ban , $b character account, perma account ban + ip+hd ban untill next reboot
A4 : $ban , $b character perma, perma account ban + perma ip+hd ban
A4 : $evacuate , $e - evacuate map
A4 : $marry, $wedding char1 char2 - start a marriage between 2 players
A4 : $quake, $q strength - quake the map
A4 : $warptome, $w2m character - warps player to you

A5 : $setadmin character adminlvl - make player admin with adminlevel
A5 : $demote character - demotes admin player to normal player

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