Download: Endless Online
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EndlessSetup0422.exe (~44,4mb)
(46.643.478 bytes)
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EndlessOnline0422.zip (~43,2mb)
(45.362.333 bytes)
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Also recommended: run econfig to setup all new features the way you want.

V.0.4 Changelog:

unique items
+ server item tracking
+ upgradable item(s)
+ item level tiers
+ unidentified items
+ item energy + overcharging
+ item variable gem sockets
+ item random elements
+ item dye***

firework support
+ dynamic light engine hook
+ dynamic effects

story support
+ ingame prelude (area tags)
+ npc scene playback
+ bitmap dialogs

fishing engine
+ new fishing animation frame
+ new fish pullup event (ctrl)
+ server controlled pullup moment/rewards
+ backend: pubstudio

full instancing
+ map channels support
+ map instance support
+ channel busy/full status
+ channel cooldown/lock option
+ auto scale channels
+ channel hop dialog

+ inventory tab(s)
+ 200% more space
+ item tracking/grouping
+ item tab interdrag

locker upgrade
+ showing upgraded space [now/max]

gift inbox (button)
+ input from provision tool
+ input level reward table
+ input boss participation

spell panel
+ showing bound hotkeys (F1-F8)

new battle engine
+ communicated conditions: miss, back, pierce, crit
+ new battle stat: critical hit
+ npc level shown in name over
+ npc skull shown in name (level too high)
+ new party exp share formula

admin comm. tools
+ global clear & control commands
+ reboot/celebrate/msg announcement bar

farm / gather tiles
+ dynamic map tiles (gather)
+ attackable map tiles (mine, log, etc)
+ serverside collectable item containers
+ timered + stacked respawning item(s)

transport system
+ new npc type
+ dynamic warp system
+ eostudio support (transport tab)

weather engine
+ dynamic overlayers (frost)
+ dynamic particle engine (snow)
+ looped texture playback (rain etc)

paperdoll pagecontroller
+ paperdoll general page
+ paperdoll loadout/cosmetics page
+ paperdoll questbook page integration
+ paperdoll badge system

paperdoll loadout page
+ paperdoll second loadout tab
+ paperdoll fast switch button
+ paperdoll batle stats replacement

paperdoll cosmetics page
+ paperdoll cosmetics tab
+ paperdoll extra costume slot
+ paperdoll extra wings slot
+ paperdoll extra pet slot
+ paperdoll extra torch slot

paperdoll cosmetic reverse
+ normal armor -> costume slot (no stats)
+ normal hat -> coshat slot (no stats)

crafting updates
+ crafting multiple ammount (x50 etc)
+ crafting can require additional currencies
+ crafting ingredients can go above 255+
+ dedicated npc.craft type

object gfx animation
+ support for animated object gfx.

dynamic map engine
+ new earthquake (scaling)
+ effects triggered by earthquakes.
+ wind, turbines etc.

day/night engine
+ configurable day/shadow/night duration
+ smooth light transitions
+ server wide day/night cycles

tile specs/effects
+ z layer (raised ground level)
+ sound sfx files (sfx channel)
+ fish tile (directional)
+ frost/slide tiles
+ conveyor tiles
+ footstep tiles
+ charged tiles

wall effects
+ forcefield walls
+ glass/seethrough walls

additional map warps
+ quest-locked warp tiles.
+ portal-activated warp tiles.

character render
+ buddy layer
+ buddy layer x2

additional base skins
+ 4 additional skins

SP repurpose
+ changed to serverside value
+ only rechargable by Special Potions

new item types
+ new type: special potion
+ new type: costume type
+ new type: coshat type
+ new type: wings type
+ new type: buddy type
+ new type: torch type

stat refactoring
+ stat-power : + damage, + weight
+ stat-accuracy : + hitrate
+ stat-defense : + armor
+ stat-dexterity: + evade
+ stat-vitality: + hp
+ stat-aura: + mp

item refactoring
+ new item rarity: poor
+ new item rarity: mythical (green)
+ new item element: devine
+ new subtype: instrument
+ new subtype: wedding
+ new stat : warmth

+ hotkey interdrag now possible
+ mouseclick pathfind can be disabled
+ mouseclick closeattack can be disabled
+ withdraw specific ammount from locker

status widget+
+ click to rotate
+ latency widget

game clock adjustments
+ 18% boosted game clock (gamespeed)

serverside boss trackers
+ hit ammount tracking
+ damage tracking

pub files/connectivity
+ item pub-file sync after login
+ new quest pub-file sync
+ new mapindex pub-file sync
+ lag/congestion indication icons
+ instant lag notification

lighting engine
+ general map lightmode
+ general masked lightspots
+ general glow effects
+ fireflies, glitters, droplets.
+ godrays, siderays, voidrays.
+ fire, smoke, particles etc.

Big number support
+ Big exp number support (64-bit)
+ Big stat(s) number support
+ Lvl 252+ support (2-bytes)
+ Weight 252+ support (2-bytes)

admin/debug architecture
+ A-admin level (command list)
+ D-debug level (command list)
+ command server lockdown modes (c/a/d)

bot captcha .v2
+ secured bot captcha communications
+ server enforced bot catpcha

UI adjustments
+ all new recharged theme
+ classic EO theme is still updated.
+ classic EO theme available as optional theme.
+ topbar: added daytime/night rotation icon
+ topbar: added lightstate icon
+ account management dialog
+ account change email dialog
+ character signup/log date popup
+ added map channels dialog

eomap studio
+ weather and weather zones
+ light editor + day night cycles

map sfx hotspots
+ multiple hotspot sfx buffers
+ realtime hotspot mixing

map format layers
+ additional z-tiles layer(s)
+ additional over-object layer(s)

+ name reservation system (db)
+ name can have 2 uppercase (eos-side)
+ name can have 2 postfixed numbers

+ general item sell prices
+ drag to sell item (any item*)

quest (npc) support
+ new quest markers above npcs
+ takable quest markers above npcs
+ conversation with shop,priest,bank,laywers etc

Quest UI dialog
+ click-to-accept support
+ full tooltip support
+ tab: possible quests
+ tab: daily quests offer
+ tab: weekly quests offer

eo+ quest engine
+ reversed npc.id StartQuest() lookup
+ added quest prerequisites
+ added quest giver/giver map
+ quest chain support
+ array/random block support

eo+ daily/weekly support
+ action: Reset(DAILY/WEEKLY)
+ action: End(DAILY/WEEKLY)

eo+ quest updates
+ action: showMessage(cap,msg,bitmap)
+ action: startScene(id)
+ rule: gathered(id,val) + rule: waitSeconds(s) volatile
+ rule: waitMinutes(m) db-written
+ rule: enterArea(rad/line)
+ rule: wearsItems(...)
+ rule: clickedItem(x,y)
+ rule: clickedTile(x,y)
+ rule: clickedObject(x,y)
+ rule: finishedScene(id)

data format merger
+ new data file formats
+ new (all-in-1) data studio tool
+ auto fallback to english (if no translation)

stats and diagnostics
+ realtime ping graphs
+ ping reset button
+ exp stats reset button
+ best kill reset button

account security
+ communicated password encryption
+ hashed db password storage
+ db key split local and remote (eockey-a+b)
+ email change features
+ pw change features
+ pw recovery system

new npc type
+ collectable npc

npc .pubfile
+ npc idle behaviour
+ npc spawn behaviour (day/night)
+ npc attack behaviour
+ greeting and agro sfx
+ elite-form respawn chance
+ respawns (instanced)
+ follow range
+ idle animation
+ follow range
+ immune

advanced lookup
+ lookup: #item [name]
+ lookup: #npc [name]
+ lookup: #craft [name]
+ lookup: #shop [name]
+ lookup: #locker / #bank

advanced chat filters
+ improved chat filter
+ server overwrite
+ strict mode, ultra mode

item .pubfile
+ tier control
+ energy control
+ socket control
+ variant control
+ element control
+ general sell price
+ target range
+ target AoE

+ soundengine fix (buffers+cache)
+ tcp delay fix

codebase porting 1/2
+ file i/o to wrapper
+ fonts to wrapper
+ mouse to wrapper
+ keyboard to wrapper

+ screenshot mode toggle
+ printscreen toggle
+ mouse-click pathfind toggle
+ mouse-click closeattack toggle
+ sfx sound volume (0-100)
+ lighting quality toggle
V.0.3.X Changelog: * ofcourse 0.4 still include all previous 0.3 changes:

+ extra inventory cols (+20%)
+ removed paperdoll button
+ removed weight panel
+ carried weight hint

visual documents
+ load bitmaps from egf-27
+ scrollable view area

chat balloons
+ included name in balloons
+ default name color
+ group color repurpose
+ npc color repurpose

+ paperdoll layout redesign
+ swappable weapons and shields **
+ right text alignment
+ carried weight hint

+ upgraded with item gfx + tooltips
+ upgraded with showing xxx / xxx items needed

hair customization
+ upgraded character creation dialog
+ upgraded barber shop dialog
+ shaver tools

naming / spacing
+ optional: playnames up to 14 chars **
+ playernames allow 2 uppercase chars
+ wider player,title column online playerlist
+ wider name column grouplist
+ wider name column paperdoll
+ wider name column playerbook

+ new hotkey interface
+ hybrid item/spell slots
+ weapon and shield hotslots
+ (alt) F1-F8 customizable

+ hotkey notifications
+ hp/mp/sp gamebar dropdown on damage
+ hp/mp/sp gamebar dropdown on recovery
+ exp gamebar dropdown on gain
+ low health notification (heartbeat?)
+ manadrain mp dmg notification
+ manapotion mp recovery notification

status widget
+ clock, counter, weight or coords

additional sfx
+ item usage sounds
+ item equipment sounds
+ random melee sounds
+ engine pitched instruments

additional base skins
+ fish, lizzard, squirrel, bird, blue devil **
+ improved character creation
+ character tail support

item type refactoring
+ item.type 5: transformation
+ item.type 7: skill book
+ item.type 8: visual document
+ item.type 26: buff (reserved)
+ item.type 27: debuff (reserved)
+ item.type 28: title
+ item.type 29: hairtool

+ pub studio release
+ egfu: bitmap .bmp file support
+ pub import tool (.ini)

bot captcha
+ local or remote captcha check
+ captcha rewards (experience)

+ create, share & use custom interface themes
+ theme author credits loaded by client

+ userfriendly locker deposit(s)
+ 1-item junk needs confirmation
+ right-click inventory item usage
+ right-click spell item usage
+ improved spell-drag panel response
+ overweight attack limit removed
+ sp anti-cheat check removed
+ the 3 preview characters rotate on click
+ inv/skills/hotkeys sorted by server:port
+ inventory, shop, locker weight hints
+ ctrl+v for menu inputs

UI adjustments
+ squared gameview area
+ button swap: map<->inventory button
+ button repurpose: paperdoll button
+ button repurpose: hotkey button
+ help panel merged with settings
+ exit button re-placement
+ sword panel changed
+ main menu background rotation
+ character creation dialog redesign
+ change-password dialog redesign
+ forgot password? button

+ unstable npc render fix
+ spell artifact-drag errors fixed
+ multimonitor (nonprimary_blt)
+ safe egf-loading (non_resolving)
+ window system menu no more freezing game
+ F10 no more freeze game
+ attack+F12 no longer freeze attacks
+ alt+Tab will no more open map
+ client hearWhisper sync on logon
+ instrument dialog background fix
+ drag-abort paperdoll braclet fix
+ boss tracker unknown hp status
+ shop mouseover itemIndex hint fix
+ last itemID client glitch fixed
+ (option) logchat/interaction swap fix
+ (option) static egf loaders fix
+ (option) blocktransfer blt fix

account security
+ optional: account creation validation **
+ optional: password recovery procedure **
+ passwords require 1 uppercase
+ passwords require 1 lowercase
+ passwords require 1 number or token
+ passwords strength indicators

+ soundbuffer count ( 2-6 buffers )
+ force client size on/off toggle
+ chat balloon name label on/off toggle
+ auto paperdoll inventory on/off toggle
+ auto drop gamebars damage on/off toggle
+ auto drop gamebars recovery on/off toggle
+ auto drop gamebars exp on/off toggle
+ hotkey notifications on/off toggle
+ status widget dropdown value
+ ghost move on/off toggle

V.0.2.X Changelog: * ofcourse 0.3 still include all previous 0.2 changes:

+ custom client x,y position
+ screen position for multi monitor
+ allowing double window instances

map overlay
+ overlay map improvement
+ overlay radar
+ overlay icons

boss tracker support
+ new boss hp trackers

lower left indication icons
+ dynamic placement
+ poison map icon (hp/tp drain)
+ boss presence icon
+ magic icon moved to right

tooltip enhancements
+ mousewheel scrollable tooltips
+ shows element information (icon)
+ shows hitpoints/techpoints
+ shows aoe damage (3x3 , 5x5 etc)

+ new 'discover' spell type
+ new elemental weakness popups

client system menu
+ runtime game settings
+ runtime perfect resize (1,2,3x)
+ wasd-keys toggle

+ pub editor: first release.
+ egfu: smart gfx updater

file support
+ truncated pub file support (900+ items)
+ file parser improvements

+ showing max hp/tp in status panel
+ locker showing 99+ stored itemcount
+ less restrictive idle-attack counter
+ less restrictive chat flood counter
+ friendly npc mouseclick fix

packet adjustments
% adjustable acc-creation config packet
% adjustable login config packet
+ adjustable barber price (packet-add)
+ boss hp bar sync packet (new packet)

+ keyboard (alt0-9) emotions alternative

+ ddraw hardware acceleration on/off
+ elemental icons on/off
+ idle disconnect on/off
+ minimap/radar toggle
+ minimap radar position
+ minimap grid on/off
+ minimap icons on/off
+ radar coordinates on/off

V.0.1.X Changelog: * ofcourse 0.3 still include all previous 0.1 changes:

+ keyboard input lag/behaviour patches
+ keyboard wasd and spacebar support.
+ keyboard esc will close popups.
+ keyboard tab will toggle map.
+ keyboard (alt) hotkeys: alt+qetcwasdpgi~
+ keyboard (alt) alt+1: wasd toggle
+ keyboard (altF1-8) 2nd row hotkeys
+ keyboard Enter to login main menu
+ keyboard 'leak' patch

+ mouse close-range left click melee attack
+ mouse close-range 'eastside' chest/locker click fix
+ side-scrollbar drag response

+ volume-master scale for sfx and mfx
+ volume-scale based on distance of sound

+ spell-tooltip: spells / skills
+ spell-tooltip: skill master
+ item-tooltip: paperdoll
+ item-tooltip: locker
+ item-tooltip: shop/craft
+ item-tooltip: trade window
+ extended tooltips

+ compacted locker storage layout
+ locker withdrawal keeps scroll index

+ shorter global/chat flood protection
+ barber 20gold per lvl, cheap haircuts for all
+ barber max 50 hairstyles

+ blackout glitch fix
+ chat focus enabled after learning skill
+ junk button glitch fixed
+ map parser reads 24char names
+ wing backside resting-frame fix

+ econfig.exe , can also generate new file
+ config key 'AutoAccountName=account'
+ config key 'BuildVersion=29' [0-255]
+ config key 'ExtendedTooltip=on' values[on/off]
+ config key 'GroupColor=default' values[0-4]
+ config key 'Scale=1' values[1-3]
+ config key 'Sound=on' values[on/off][0-100]
+ config key 'Music=on' values[on/off][0-100]
+ config key 'NpcColor=default' values[0-4]
+ config key 'TextTheme=default' values[0-1]
+ config key 'WasdKeys=on' values[on/off]

0.1-0.4X - ofcourse include all features of the original v28 engine.
click here to go back to downloads.

**needs server support update(s)
*read the disclaimer before downloading.

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